Joanna Beattie
Name: Joanna Beattie
Role: Consultant

I’m Mum to a teenage daughter and a young adult son. I have a Diploma in Counselling and psychotherapy using the Integrative approach.

This is a combination of Person centred, Psychodynamic and Cognitive behavioural therapy.

After the sudden death of my husband in a motorbike accident in 2015. I became a single parent to two young children overnight. All of us going through our own individual grief process whilst struggling with complex trauma.

This inspired me to further my qualifications and I acquired a diploma from CPCAB Counselling Children and Young people through a trauma informed lens. I went on to work briefly in secondary schools as a counsellor and used my knowledge to help my own children navigate a very traumatic time in their lives.

I’m passionate about inspiring young people that there is growth and hope after trauma and loss and it is a privilege helping to equip them with the tools needed to navigate life's challenges and to live a life of purpose once more.