ResoluteM;nds was founded by Rory Sloan. Rory is from Belfast Northern Ireland. Since the age of 14 Rory had struggled with substance abuse and mental health issues. After leaving school at 16 Rory found a passion in fitness and it really helped him have some control over his mental health, so he decided to become a PT to help other people, he also found a passion in body building and started prepping for his first bodybuilding show. 4 weeks out from the show covid hit a global pandemic that paused the world.

Rory struggled massively during this time, with the show getting cancelled and losing his job his mental health was at an all time low. Rory developed an eating disorder and started drinking and taking drugs from this he found himself becoming reliant on cocaine. This then led Rory to becoming a full time addict and getting involved in criminality. Just after his 21st birthday Rory found himself in some serious trouble and going to prison. Since getting released on bail Rory knew he didn’t want to go back to the criminal lifestyle however he still struggled with drugs for around a year after. Rory got involved with a group called alternatives which worked with him and took him through a restorative justice program where Rory learned and realised he wasn’t just hurting him and his family he was hurting the community he lived in. Rory also got involved with Emmett Watters who really helped him with his trauma and addiction. He believes he would not be here without him. 

During Rory’s court case he was asked to take a drug test that had to be clean for 6 months after admitting he would fail the test, the judge decided to give him a chance and gave him 6 months to prove himself. From this point onwards Rory became sober. During his battle of addiction and his journey through sobriety Rory has found a massive passion in mental health addiction and trauma. He has become a huge advocate for these topics and became a One Young World Leader. 

Realising that there is a lack of help out there for people who are suffering these issues Rory has decided to set up ResoluteM;nds, A community that no matter your background you will be able to find help using this service. ResoluteM;nds is committed to combating the crises of mental health and addiction. Leveraging personal experiences, passion, and acquired knowledge, we aim to inspire hope and provide support to those facing these challenges while advocating the greater awareness and education among young people across the world.

A Non-Funded Online Mental Health Service

ResoluteM;nds is a non-funded online mental health service. It’s understandable that ResoluteM;nds charges to cover the costs of running the service. Keeping the price accessible is commendable, ensuring everyone can benefit from mental and physical fitness support. It’s crucial for Rory to be able to dedicate 100% of his effort to make ResoluteM;nds the best it can be and to help as many people as possible ensuring that every voice is heard and no one battles alone. Charging for the service allows him to sustain his efforts and continue providing valuable support to those who need it.