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ResoluteM;inds hosts a regular schedule of workshops, both online and at venues predominantly in the Greater Belfast area.

A list of currently scheduled events can be found on our Eventbrite page.

Types of Workshop

Who should attend?

Our workshops are for individuals who are struggling with their mental health and/or an addiction.  Any individual seeking help can book online through this website to attend a scheduled workshop of their choice – delivered online.   Private workshops can also be booked by parents, business professionals, companies, schools, prisons, community organisations etc who wish to help or educate individuals they are representing – these can be delivered online or in person as desired.

What will a workshop entail?

We currently deliver interactive workshops covering 5 different topics and more will be added over time.

The 5 topics covered by the workshops are as follows:

  1. Heavening workshop
  2. Substance abuse awareness
  3. Physical fitness group class
  4. Importance of physical and mental fitness
  5. Communication with others and self
Rory at Group Session

Why would someone want to book a workshop?

...and why it is important we deliver them.

Organisations will benefit from booking a workshop as it is a great way to help a group of people by getting them to participate and interact with one another.  Workshops don’t just involve Rory Sloan standing and talking at the front, they are extremely interactive too, encouraging individuals within the groups to openly share and discuss what’s being covered so that they stay interested and connect with the workshop.

The workshops enable Rory Sloan to connect with the people in the room as he talks about the sensitivities around mental health and addiction.  It is always good to get the participants brain thinking and get them talking.  As Rory shares his story and invites questions, the participants often ask questions that relate to them but use Rory as a disguise.  The workshops are a great way to educate people, especially young people, Rory has received amazing feedback from the workshops he has delivered especially around his ability to interact with the participants.  It’s far from Rory Sloan just speaking the whole time.  Participants attending the workshops said they no longer felt isolated or mis-understood as they found a community which identified with their struggles and offered them the ability to change. They found the guidance and support received through the workshops to be invaluable as it gave them the hope and encouragement to believe in themselves again.

Where are workshops delivered?

Scheduled open workshops will be held online at different times throughout the week as advertised.  Private workshops will either be online or in person at the organisation who booked it.  When attending a scheduled online workshop, participants can remain anonymous or be identifiable throughout the session.

How do I book a workshop?

Scheduled online workshops for individuals will be advertised and bookable on the Resolute M;nds website

Private group workshops can also be arranged online by submitting a booking request form.  Participation during a workshop is greatly encouraged but isn’t mandatory.  Workshops typically consist between 5-30 participants.  Each workshop typically lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour.  There is a small charge per participant to attend each workshop.